Meet the Malhotra's

A big villa, surrounded by guards with a name plate of 'Malhotra Villa' is seen.

As we go inside it, we can see a boy sleeping peacefully on his bed. Suddenly, the alarm clock kept on the bed rang. As the clock rang, he woke up lazily. As he saw the time, he got shocked.

"Oh God!! How can I sleep for this much time." Said the boy to himself.

Shrugging of his thoughts, he moved towards the restroom to get ready.

The boy is revealed to be Siddharth, the hero of this story.

Siddharth Malhotra, a handsome and dashing young bachelor, is the CEO of his company 'Malhotra Enterprises'. Girls drool over him but he doesn't pay any attention to them. 

After sometime, he got ready in a black coat and pant.

He went downstairs to find his mother prayering in the house temple. He went towards the temple and joined his hands in front of the god doing the prayer. As soon as, the prayer got completed, his mother distributed the gracious sweet to all.

"Siddharth go and wake up your lazy sister. She must be sleeping till now" Said his mother with a frown on her face.
"Ok mom" Said Siddharth racing his way towards his sister's room.

As soon as, he entered his sister's room, he saw her sleeping with a peaceful smile on her face.

"Nandini get up. It's 7:00 in the morning. Get up fast or you will get late for your college." Said Siddharth caressing her hair Lovingly.

Listening to the time, she woke up immediately and ran to get ready.

Nandini Malhotra, a lovely teenager, is in the first year of college. Boys drool over her but she didn't pay attention to them.

Siddharth came downstairs to find his father and brother talking upon something.

"What's new to talk today??" Said Siddharth with curiosity in his voice.

"Nothing special. Just the talks of dad's office and my college." Said Siddharth's brother with a smile.

"Ohh so girls are drooling over my brother" Said Siddharth teasing his brother.

"Nothing is like that bro. Who will pay attention to those clingy girls of my college" Said Siddharth's brother getting irritated by the continuous teasing by his family especially his brother and sister.

"Don't get irritate Shreshth. I was just teasing you." Said Siddharth trying to make him understand his point of view.

"Yaa I know that's your favourite work" Said Shreshth rolling his eyes.

Shreshth Malhotra, a handsome teenager guy, is in the third year of his college. Girls drool over him but he doesn't pay any attention to them.

"And when you tease, what about that time." Said Siddharth raising his eyebrows.

"That is my pass time as well as my fun time" Said Shreshth smiling sheeplessly.

"What a logic you have Shreshth!! I am impressed!!" Said Siddharth with sarcasm in his voice.

Their father got fed up of their fight so he though to stop them.

"Just stop it both of you. Are you both kids till now that you are fighting for such a silly reason." Said their father scolding them.

"Scold them more dad." Said Nandini coming from the back.

"You are no less Nandini." Said their father with a frown.

"Don't scold them Piyush. It's of no use. They will still keep fighting on silly things. Right three of you??." Said their mother coming with a tray of tea in her hands and servants coming after her with breakfast in their hands.

"So true Megha. They are still kids. They just grew up by age not by actions." Said Piyush.

Megha and Piyush Malhotra, are loving and caring parents of Siddharth, Shreshth and Nandini. They are a perfect couple.

"Mom it's nothing like that." The trio complained seeing their parents talking about them.

"Ohh Really!!" Said Megha and Piyush with sarcasm.

The trio could just smile sheeplessly.

"Bro when are you getting married, your age is running away." Said Nandini and Shreshth, making an effort to tease him.

"Don't run your brain horses this much. Hold them on place. I am not going to get married till the time I get a perfect match for myself." Said Siddharth very casually.

"And if I say I have found a perfect match for you." Said Megha with a smile.

"Really mom!!" Said Siddharth getting excited.

"Yeah" Said Piyush with a heartfelt smile.

"Show me the image then." Said Siddharth with excitement in his voice.

"Here you go." Said Megha and Piyush passing a girl's photo to him.

"Beautiful" Said Siddharth getting mesmerized seeing her.

Siddharth felt a strong connection with her. He felt like she was doing something in his heart. He felt he have fallen in love with her.

"What you said bro?? Beautiful and all." Said Nandini teasing him.

"I mean anyone will fall in love with her after seeing her." Said Siddharth trying to cover up his last statement.

"Is the same going with you??" Said Shreshth trying to tease him.

"I think so." Said Siddharth without realising what he said.

As soon as, he realised what he said, he looked up to find his family seeing with their raising eyebrows.

"Let's have breakfast. I think all are getting late for their work place." Said Siddharth trying to change the topic.

"Don't try change the topic." Said Shreshth and Nandini.

"I am not changing the topic, I am saying the truth. See the time you both are getting late for your college and I am getting late for my office." Said Siddharth bringing them back to reality.

"Oh no!! Our teacher will scold us once more." Said Shreshth and Nandini while seeing the time.

They all rush to have breakfast.

In some minutes, Nandini and Shreshth completed with their breakfast and they left for their college.

"I will also have a leave now." Said Siddharth finishing off his breakfast and taking his office bag and smartphone.

Megha and Piyush bid bye to him and got back to the dining table.

"If Siddharth will agree for meeting her, then we can tell her family too." Said Megha cleaning the mess.

"Yaa right." Said Piyush.

Siddharth is the eldest son of Megha and Piyush. He is in the age of getting married that's why his parents are concerned for his marriage but doesn't want to force him to get married. Whereas Siddharth doesn't want to get married till the time he doesn't find a perfect match for himself.

When Megha and Piyush were going through the marriage proposals suggested by the priest. They found a perfect match for Siddharth and so decided to tell the same to Siddharth.

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